Perceived Performance slideshow

Objective Time differences of 20% or less are imperceptible.

– Steve Seow, Microsoft

Shoot for 30% speedup.

Active phase vs Passive phase

Humans tend to overestimate passive time by 36%

– Richard Larson, MIT

Takes about 1 second to transition to passive state.

Keep users active.

You start to lose people from 1 - 4s of passive state.

Wait indicators

wait time action
< 1s nothing
1 - 2s loading spinner
2s - 4s progress bar
4s+ entertain user. For example Slack uses animation, then shows inspirational quotes, then a screen preview, and finally loads.

Perception Hacks

  • use optimistic updates on AJAX
  • fire calls onMouseDown instead of onClick/touchStart (gains 100-150ms). Cancel on touchmove
  • use :active and :hover animations. They encourage the user slow down and to hold the click longer.

Progress bars

  • Use quick bands animation

Measure requests to determine progress bar speed.

const API_EXPECTED_TIME = 1000;

function getImage() {
    let t0 =;
    fetch(`${GET_IMAGE_API_URL}`).then(response => {
        const apiRoundtrip = - t0;
        setPerformanceScalar(apiRoundtrip, API_EXPECTED_TIME);
        // Do stuff

function setPerformanceScalar(observed, expected) {
    this.performanceScalar = observed / expected;
    // ...
    // tuck this away in app state, local storage, a global variable, etc

Predictive Loading

React as soon as the user signals intent.


  • Game devs like Duke Nukem that require user to shoot a door from a distance before opening it. Hinting the game to proactively upload the next level.
  • In a login screen, start loading the dashboard JS bundle as soon as the user starts typing their username.

Predict clicks

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